Support Locally Grown Produce
A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share is a weekly produce subscription, but it is so much more than that. It is essentially investing early in our Cultivate Hope Urban Farm’s growing season and reaping the rewards throughout the season! When you purchase a CSA share, you’ll receive a variety of fresh produce every week and can rest assured knowing your produce is grown with care and without herbicides or pesticides. Your purchase goes straight to supporting the Urban Farm’s mission of supporting a healthy food culture in Cedar Rapids, and not to transportation or distribution costs.
Sign Up for a CSA Share
Our CSA is $550 and runs for 20 weeks from May 23 through October 3, 2024. CSA pickup is from 4-7 pm every Thursday during the Cultivate Hope Markets at the Urban Farm, 437 G Ave. NW, Cedar Rapids. It contains produce from the Cultivate Hope Urban Farm, as well as some other local growers.
Each week, the CSA focuses on the basic produce that you’re likely already familiar with, such as greens, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, potatoes, herbs, and more. We also try to include something new and exciting every week, such as produce you may not have cooked with before (like kohlrabi, okra, or eggplant) or something we’ve prepared in advance (like pickled carrots or homemade salsa). Sometimes factors outside of our control, such as weather, make planning each week a bit unpredictable, but we do our best to provide a plentiful share each week for our shareholders.
CSA shares for 2024 are sold out. We will have our Urban Farm produce available at our markets and at the Cultivate Hope Corner Store throughout the 2024 growing season.
Supporting Low-Income Households
For those who are interested in local produce, but may not be able to afford the big up-front CSA investment, we provide some of our shares to low-income households at a discounted rate.
Receiving a discounted CSA share
If you are interested in receiving a discounted CSA share, please contact our team. Households earning at or below 80% median income are eligible for up to a 50% discount on a CSA share.
If you are able, you can donate towards a CSA to allow other families to receive fresh, local produce so they can make healthy meals at home. Click here to donate towards a CSA share through our Square website. Or, if you’d like to support the Cultivate Hope program as a whole, you can donate online by clicking here.